╭∩╮Want to Last long in Bed? Before seeking external help... answer a few questions.

When you go PiV, do you immediately go 1000MPH or KPH?

Before you go PiV, how many minutes did you spend on..

- Taking her clothes off?

- Kissing her???

- Gently touching her boobs?

Slowly going from kissing her mouth, to kissing her boobs, to kissing her belly... to arriving at promised land with your tongue? 

Gone past the promised land, and continued kissing down her legs?

Captain, we MUST reverse course! Now you work your way back up all the way to kissing her beautiful face.

It is perfectly fine to get distracted while on course and spend a few extra cunnilingus minutes on promised land.

You have just arrived back at her beautiful lips... YOU IDIOT, you forgot her nipples. GO BACK. 

​You are now BOTH ripe for nuclear war! STOP. DO NOT HIT THE RED BUTTON!

There's more to be done young soldier.

You want to last long??? Here's the hardest part:

- Put your self into position. SOLDIER!

- DO NOT PUT dick in immediately. Ring the door bell first. Hit her clit with your dick head

- Rub your glans up and down her labia and clit.

- Maybe rub it on her thighs too.

- Put just the glans in. TAKE IT OUT NOW...

- Rub it up and down again.

- Now put glans and 5% of shaft in... take it all out.

- 15% in... OUT!

- 45% in... GET THE FUCK OUT!

- Now, increase the speed of ins and outs... we talking 45% speed... NOT FULL PAWWWAAAAH.

- Keep going until you have put in 100% of shaft in... ( ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED! )

​- Speed control my friend... this will be key to longevity. Go fucking slow ( PUN DEF INTENDED HERE ).

The above probably took... what... maybe 5 minutes... 10 if you are following proper MILITARY PROTOCOL??? who cares? 

Now that you go back in 100%...

- Slow thrusts. 15% speed.

- after about 1 min or so... increase speed... This is when you open your ears to her moans. Increase speed based solely on her moans.

- Once you reach 50% speed... SHUT IT DOWN. go all the way back to beginning. Tease her pussy again.

- Back to 50% speed. NOW WE REACH THE MOON!

- Keep increasing speed to 60%... wait... wait... wait... now 70%... until...


Once ARMAGEDON is reached! ( ACHIEVEMNT UNLOCKED)... you must NOT disengage the enemy. Slowly come out... kiss, cuddle... hug... what ever... but do it slowly. 

Once completely out... ( do your own research on 'after care' ) make peace with your enemy by laying next to them, hugging them, kissing them, caressing the shit out of them... maybe talking...

Once the FULL mission is accomplished ( ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED )

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╭∩╮The Vortex Pussy Eating Move That Will Have Her Begging You For More…

Couples Plus+: Download ALL 42 Reads for COUPLES/MEN/WOMEN in PDF & EPUB

Cunnilingus 101; An Illustrated Guide into Eating Pussy Like a Savage